I will take away more from this experience than any other experience in my life. It's given me a direction in photography, life and love I can say I'm utterly thankful for.
To Michael, your smile and ID case are in my heart.
To Paul, keep your hair long and your love longer.
To Spencer, look me up when you are in the cities next!
To Andrea, I'm grateful you had a "lightbulb" moment with me!
To Frank, never let your witty humor leave your soul. You have touched my heart!
To all the families I met, thank you for sharing your story! I cannot wait to share your photos with you.
To Jocelyn, you have changed my life and I'm thankful I met you!
To St. Bernard Project, thank you for doing everything you are doing!
How do you say thank you to someone that helped build your new home? Here's one of the volunteers at St. Bernard hugging his favorite home-received lovely lady.

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