Monday, April 21, 2008

Enjoying Louisiana

So I've managed to get through some of my images of Louisiana. I stayed at Camp Hope, which was in Arabi, about 30 minutes out of the heart of New Orleans. While staying at Camp Hope, the Arabi Oyster Festival showed up! So wonderful to see so many people enjoying music, food, games and family and friends.

This is a band from Spain, didn't speak a word of English. I missed the memo to wear the cement boots, so I'm standing in ankle deep water to shoot this.

The Oyster bar....Ahhhh Oysters! My travel companion and I bellied up for a dozen each.

This game enthusiast travels with the fair. He's been to Minneapolis 5 times on their tour. His name is Al.

A couple dances away the night.

This young man traveled with the band from Spain. He carried on a conversation with me for almost 2 minutes. I hadn't a clue what he was saying, I just loved hearing him talk to me.

A sweet little onlooker.

There were fireflies...


In between Arabi (Camp Hope) and where I was shooting at Miss Joycelyn's House of Love in Chalmette, was about 20-30 minutes. In between there was an ice cream shop. So cute and so sweet, off of the highway. It was this luminous sign, we are coming back, we are bringing what we love back...and how simple with ice cream. This place was bumping with people every night we drove to and from Miss Joycelyn's house.

Across the street from Camp Hope was a magnificent green bayou. In the middle of this little area was this one bright red balloon. So beautiful.

The weirdest thing I saw over and over were boats in random places. Boats in roads, in backyards, in wide open fields. I asked a staff volunteer for St. Bernard Project what the deal was, he said after it flooded, all the boats just roamed until the waters receded. They landed where they landed.

Boat #1

Boat #2

I fell shooting into a thistle bush. This was one of the weedy vicious thistle bushes that got me.

Louisiana has a culture unlike any other. They are deeply passionate people, I thought Minnesota was nice!!!! Their culture is creative and vibrant. They make me want to smile non stop.

This house was near one area that was hit hard by the flood. Can you feel the warmth! I just cannot wait to go back!!

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