Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shoting for Laura Novak

I'm so excited to shoot for Laura Novak this Saturday. She's based out of Wilmington, Deleware and has the most beautiful taste and photographic eye! I went to a seminar she was speaking at earlier this year and loved her sense of grace and ability to offer other photographers tools to being successful. I can't wait to shoot with her at one of her beautiful weddings!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Anna & Collin TBM July 18, 2008

I shot Anna and Collin's engagement session today. It's days like today when you really love everything this life has to offer. The amazing weather, the smell of an apple orchard blooming and a dog named Jake. I shot the engagement on a gravel road that leads to one of my friends' parents home. I strongly believe you don't need an over elaborate scene to bring out the best between a couple. Anna and Collin created and set the tone, love and laughter. Their wedding is going to be held at a small church and reception within walking distance to their parent's home on Lake Minnetonka. I cannot wait for the wedding!

Thanks Anna and Collin for a great shoot!

Click any image to enlarge:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Corset Styling & PR

I've been photographing jewelry, beer, salsa and more lately! It's been such a busy spring, I cannot wait for what summer holds.

Corset Styling is a relatively new company. They are specializing in styling those who lead busy lives. They have jewelry and clothing pieces which are truly amazing! I finally caved and bought my first piece yesterday, an owl necklace.

If you are interested in going to an amazing event, please visit the Corset Styling website. Corset Styling is going to hold a "Glam" event, which will include private styling sessions from the owners of Corset Styling, free wine and food, along with a private screening of the highly anticipated "Sex and the City" movie. Tell them Erica sent you!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sam & Christina TBM 6-7-08

Sam & Christina are getting married at Mount Olivet Church June 7th, only 3 weeks away! Their reception is going to be held at St. Anthony Main Event Center. We had a great engagement shoot Tuesday night, which included their two puggle pooches. Thanks for a great shoot, can't wait for your wedding!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I think I have a new boyfriend...well, a sweetheart that is. Sweet little Lake, I don't know if it was the Mickey Mouse T-shirt I wore for his photo shoot, or if it was love at first sight, he took to me like he'd known me for his full 2 years of life. Full of life, laughter and color! Thanks sweet Lake for a great shoot!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Meet My Friend Liz, CNN's 2008 Hero of the YEAR recipient

If you have a second, take a look at the below link.

My new friend, Liz McCartney, founder and head of the St. Bernard Project in Louisiana was honored with a nomination for CNN's 2008 Hero of the year award.
Within the article below are 3 videos you must watch.

I met Liz while photographing in Louisiana earlier in April of this year. Many of you participated in a fundraiser I did back in February of this year. Proceeds from the fundraiser went to the St. Bernard Project. I have updated my blog with images from my trip and will be updating more.

Liz and I spoke this morning about completing a cookbook filled with photographs of survivors, their Louisiana style favorite recipes along with their stories of survival. Proceeds from the sale of books will go directly back to the St. Bernard Project. I feel so lucky to have been given the opportunity to meet Liz and hear her and her husband's stories.

Thanks for letting me share this amazing triumph!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Let's talk about Frank.

I met Frank while in Louisiana, shooting family portraits. (See archives for previous posts about the St. Bernard Project

I met Frank at the St. Bernard Project offices, which he owns the building of. He was sitting, talking with a few of the staff. I happened to be there picking up or dropping off equipment that day. We talked for a bit and I offered to take his portrait, along with the other families who received homes from St. Bernard Project. He agreed and we set up our photo shoot date.

I didn't know his story at the time, but knew he had one. He showed up early for his portrait and we sat and talked. I went in for his flood story and was completely overtaken with emotion.

Frank is older in his young life and to think of what he went through when the flood occurred, I couldn't help but well up with tears. He talked about how he was on the 2nd story floor of the current St. Bernard Project building. He just so happens to have a quaint apartment up there. The hurricane came and went...but then it flooded. Unsure of what he was going to do, he devised a plan.

Here was his plan:

That my friends is a contraption he made as he decided he was going to have to leave the building and float on out. No one had come around on boats yet to get people out that were trapped in their buildings. What you are looking at is a styrofoam airplane in the front. Frank apparently had hundreds of these styrofoam planes. He filled 2 pillowcases full of the planes, tied them together with wire, placed them on this chair and he thought he was going to head out the window of his 2nd floor apartment and float/kick to another building.

Here's him demonstrating with a sweet laugh how it was gonna go down:

So now...I ask you to think about that situation. He had made a large white flag which he put outside the window to notify someone was left in building and needed help. Not long after he created his man made "floaties" a Chalmette local who in a boat, came up to Frank's 2nd story window and helped him out and to a new location.

He was taken on a bus out of Chalmette. He told of how he wore the same clothes for 18 days, was taken here and there, of how difficult it was just to get out of the city, then how difficult it was to get back into the city. The whole story was dramatic and overall difficult to hear.

I applaud you Frank for gracing myself with your story! I am thankful I met you and loved your "witty humor". I hope you are well, growing your peas and making people laugh and smile with your edgy variety! Take care!