Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Charity Photo Fundraiser for the St. Bernard Project: Sharing Images

Thank you to everyone that participated in my charity photo fundraiser for the St. Bernard Project! It ended up being a cold sunny day with lots of laughter and friends. I'm excited to confirm my plans to travel to Louisiana this April hopefully.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated and I cannot wait to share with you the images from my trip. If you have any questions how you can volunteer or donate with the St. Bernard Project, please refer to their website at: www.stbernardproject.org.

I saw a quote a few months ago and think it's fitting:

"We must be the change we want to see in the world" -Ghandi

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Before and After

I got an email today that was interesting, a compliment and wanted to share. "How does an image look in camera versus finished images" was the question. Sometimes, it's perfect. Honestly! I try to stay as true to the real deal as possible. For example, if it's sunny sunny sun sun outside, I'll use the sun to my benefit. Loves when it makes beams all over my images, love when it gives that warm, interesting, "ray of light" effect. Inside a church, the light that comes through a stained glass window may cast a light that's a colorful combination. Sometimes it just looks so wonderful as is, I prefer not to modify it.

The following images are great examples of this:


I can tell this image has potential to make an emotional pull. So I take it to a different level. Sometimes that's what it takes, seeing the potential in something and using it for an "emotional pull" I would say.


AS Is:(Look at that beautiful sun beam that ran across the image! This image is "out of camera".)

So thanks for the compliments from a fellow blogger. I hope you see your images for their true graces and use them without overusing them!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

American Idol?

So, I don't watch American Idol, but know many who do. Last year I was in Chicago for a workshop. One of the models I photographed exchanged biz cards with me. We talked about dreams, aspirations, etc. She is absolutely gorgeous. She sang for us one afternoon between photo shoots. She really is amazing!

Name: Amy Davis

So I was on Facebook today and saw she tried out for American Idol and has made it to Hollywood and is now one of the 24 finalists! I'm so excited for her. So, if you are or aren't a fan of AI, I thought you might want to check her out. She's inspirational and well, gorgeous!

Good Luck Amy with AI!

Monday, February 11, 2008

What cold looks like

A friend that lives in a warmer area of the world asked me what the "cold" looks like here. I thought, well it looks desolate, like a blank canvas. I went outside and thought how do I photograph something so it looks cold. I took a few snaps as I was traveling and here is what I came up with. This is what I think cold looks like.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Charity Photo fundraiser for the St. Bernard Project.

I'm so pleased to be doing a Charity Photo Fundraiser for the St. Bernard Project http://www.stbernardproject.org/ I first heard about them on the ever popular "when you are home all day" program, Oprah. She was highlighting the areas in Louisiana that were hit by hurricanes Katrina and Rita and showing how many people are still without homes. The St. Bernard Project was featured because they are a group of professionals who quit their jobs to head down to the area and make a difference. They started what is currently known as the ST. Bernard Project.

Each home they construct costs roughly $10,000, all of which must be donated. Either through cash donations or going to the local hardware stores and buying the materials. The organization has a group of professionals from construction managers, to everything under the sun to help make this happen.

I couldn't help but wonder how I could help. I wanted to head on down and help build, immediately. But maybe there were others that wanted to help in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, which is where the Charity Photo Fundraiser came about. A photographer friend did something similar and raised money for an organization. I could do this.

With the kindness of a friend, Maribeth Romslo www.redribbonstudio.com, who donated her studio for the event, I've made this fundraiser happen.

If you would like to partake in the fundraiser here is the scoop:
1. Contact me, Erica Hanson at 612.743.2974 or by email at: studio188photography@mac.com to reserve your 15 minute session.
2. With a donation of your choosing, you will receive your 15 minute photo session. Pets Welcome! So bring your checkbooks, all checks are to be written to the St. Bernard Project.
3. All images from the Charity Shoot will go up on a web gallery for ordering. All of the print sales will be directly donated to the St. Bernard Project as well.

I'd love to see you there!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Kyle and Dani, 2-2-08

Warning: extra long blog!
When Kyle and Dani asked me to photograph their wedding, I was thrilled. I've known Kyle since we were in diapers. They are such a terrific couple, it was such a wonderful day!Thank you Kyle and Dani!