Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thanksgiving portrait session

I shot a family portrait over the Thanksgiving weekend. There was a gaggle of wee-ones and I couldn't have spent the day doing anything else! Thanks for braving the cold and wind!

Treasure City

We traveled to see family over the Thanksgiving weekend. Along the way I stopped to take a few shots with my old Minolta, I loaded it with some film and took a few shots. It's great shooting with film again!

Harper turned 1

Harper is a lovely wee one, whom I've had the privilege of photographing before, her 6 month portraits. Her facial expressions at 1 year are so sweet. She tried so hard to talk, which amounted to grunts, yells and quirky sounds. Such a sweet little girl, thank you Harper for being my wee-one muse! And yes, that is Ravioli in her hair. Happy Birthday sweetheart! You can view her 6 months in the archive section of the blog, month September.